

Visit to Traços

  This week, UNINOVA, in collaboration with CIGIP-UPV, visited TRAÇOS INVULGAR, one of the main customers of the pilot D2TECH, whose headquarters are located in Portugal. 

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New Online Community

🎉 Big news! FundingBox and partners are driving AI innovation for industrial equipment’s entire life cycle with the @AIDEAS project! 🚀🌱🤖 🌍🏭 By joining our

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Second Plenary Meeting

Hi AI Community! Thanks to the presence of the project partners at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) on the occasion of the Digital Manufacturing

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Imagen que contiene interior, refrigerador, computadora, computer Descripción generada automáticamente


In October 2022, the AIDEAS project was successfully launched with the intention of developing artificial intelligence technologies to support the entire life cycle (design, manufacture,

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