
  This week, UNINOVA, in collaboration with CIGIP-UPV, visited TRAÇOS INVULGAR, one of the main customers of the pilot D2TECH, whose headquarters are located in Portugal. 


During the visit, we had the presence of a TRAÇOS representative, who gave us a detailed explanation of the use of the two CNC machines manufactured by the D2TECH pilot: Monster 2 and Monster 4. These machines, specialized in the cutting and milling different types of stone, play a fundamental role in obtaining high-quality final products thanks to their precision. In addition, the operation of the numerical control unit and its integration with CAD/CAM systems was presented using a practical example.

The AIDEAS project covers all stages of the life cycle of industrial equipment, offering different solutions for each. On this occasion, the visit focused on the USE phase, specifically on the interaction with the customer.

This visit gave us a unique opportunity to witness the operation of pilot machines and their application by customers. This allowed us to identify their specific needs and to understand how the project can contribute to improving the tuning processes by implementing Artificial Intelligence models.  

The visit to TRAÇOS INVULGAR has been an enriching experience that will improve the usability of the solutions under development. The direct interaction with customers and the observation of how the pilot machines are integrated into the customer’s daily processes have allowed us to thoroughly understand the needs of the industry and how our innovative approach can significantly optimize their operations.