AIDEAS Machine Passport

Smart platform for multi-source large-scale data acquisition, management and sharing, covering the entire life cycle of Industrial Equipment: Design, Manufacturing, Use and Repair-Reuse-Recycle.

AIDEAS Disassembler

AI based toolkit for modelling the disassembly/recycle processes to help streamline the infrastructure needed to circulate materials focusing around the ability for AI algorithms to recognise and identify objects using cameras and other sensors.


Toolkit that combines AI and Life Cycle methodologies (LCC, LCA, S-LCA) for identifying the best machine end-of-life by devising a multi-objective optimisation strategy to strike a balance between economic, social and environmental benefits.

AIDEAS Smart Retrofitter

Toolkit for smart retrofitting old machine tools to give them a second life by improving working conditions and product quality, developing a communication system and collaboration, enhancing productivity, efficiency, flexibility, and agility.

AIDEAS Prescriptive Maintenance

Toolkit for predicting remaining useful life and identifying maintenance requirements with the target of extending the overall machine remaining life.

AIDEAS Adaptive Controller

Toolkit to train models with measurement data and then train machine controllers with said models to accommodate the machine condition and requirements.

AIDEAS Anomaly Detector

Toolkit that will allow detecting anomalies at component-level or of the machine as a whole when it is in working conditions in the factory where it is being used.

AIDEAS Condition Evaluator

Toolkit for determining the condition of the machine as a whole or of some of its components when it is in working conditions in the factory where it is being used.

AIDEAS Machine Calibrator

Toolkit for the fast calibration of industrial equipment when installed for the first time in a factory or when a re-calibration is needed. It uses AI techniques for providing the most well-suited calibration parameters.