Last Thursday we had the opportunity to collaborate together AIDEAS Project, s-X-AIPI, and Circular TwAIn Project Takes Center Stage at EBDVF2023
The future of AI in manufacturing and industry is taking shape thanks to the incredible collaboration between three dynamic projects: the AIDEAS Project, s-X-AIPI and Circular TwAIn Project. The three projects made a remarkable impact by jointly organizing an expert session at the prestigious #EBDVF2023, held at the magnificent Feria Valencia Event Center.
The distinguished attendees of this session were privileged to hear from renowned researchers such as Ilias Gialampoukidis, Georgia Apostolou, Grigoris Tzionis, Davide Dalle Carbonare, Sergio Gusmeroli, Anibal Reñones Domínguez and Daniel Gómez Martín. These luminaries delved into the fundamental role of AI in manufacturing processes and industry, offering ideas, solutions and insights. The session was enriched with an interesting round table in which attendees shared their ideas, opinions, concerns and doubts with the speakers.
AIDEAS Project is delighted to be part of this collaborative cluster, and we trust that this stimulating partnership is just the beginning of a promising journey.
For more in-depth information on AIDEAS synergies visit our website section here.